Update 10.20am Wednesday 20 July
South side lift out of service
Following the failure of the South side vertical lift yesterday due to extreme weather conditions the lift is still out of operation today.
We apologise for this disruption to your journeys and advise that the tunnel is closed to cyclists whilst the lift is out of service.
Pedestrians can continue to use the tunnels using the historic escalators as stairs, and we would advise cyclists to temporarily use an alternative route such as the Shields Ferry.
We have engineers working to rectify the situation and will bring the lift back into service as soon as possible. In the meantime, a bus with cycle trailer will operate from 12 noon today until 10pm following the attached timetable. This bus is free to use.
The North side pickup point is located on Tyne View Terrace, Howdon, the South side pickup point is located on Tyne Street, Jarrow. Please see the pickup points map showing the locations.